I am excited for 2020! For it promises a new era for all. But first, let’s take a look back.
2019 has been a good year for AMC Commercial Cleaning. We want to be even better than good – we want to go for greatness! We cannot rest on our laurels – there is always more work to do and we’ll pursue every avenue to be the best in class.
We’ve been privileged to work with hundreds of organisations striving to achieve greatness. I’m immensely proud of the work that you’re doing to make AMC a valuable service provider for these organisations in Australia and New Zealand. As we continue to focus on user experience, we see a strong growth emerging from our current customer base especially from Aged care, Medical/healthcare and Retail sectors. This year we have seen a tremendous improvement in customer engagement. We’ve seen 1577 customers provide their self-rates. I want to thank every one of you, including all our service operatives for your commitment to align with our high standards and processes and consistently deliver our service promise.
Each year we raise more funds for Children’s Cancer Research, this year was no exception. We continued our commitment with St Kilda FC for scholarships to 15 indigenous young sports persons. This year we added a cadetship for a University student together with St Kilda and AFL Sports Ready. We continue our work with Wallara and Wear for Success. Partnering with these worthy causes over the years has brought us closer to the communities we serve.
Beyond these rewards, there is something deeper and more meaningful: the reward that comes from our belief, it’s important to look after people. As you finish this year, I hope you feel rewarded that you’ve provided something great for someone else.
Merry Christmas and my best wishes for the new year to you and your families.
Be safe
Kristie Coade